Act for Action's Sake

Disappointment arises from expectations not being met. What if we acted for the sake of acting? What if the sheer effort and energy involved in doing something was the result? Instead of always expecting a pre-determined outcome, that almost certainly will not be met,what if we approached our yoga practices without desire for an outcome? In the final analysis of our health, does it matter how many vinyasas are in a class? What matters is the connection to self and the increased blood flow throughout the entire body, the benefits to our cardiovascular, lymphatic, circulatory, and digestive systems. Not if my arms and abs were worked enough. The entire body is activated during a balanced yoga practice. If we approach the practice with the idea that those things MUST be present otherwise it was a bust for us, we have failed. Put action into motion for the sake of acting, not for the sake of being able to look in the mirror and appreciate yourself in a selfie. If a singer decides to sing a song for their own pleasure, does it matter if it has the same essence it had when the singer was 23? Absolutely not. Sing because you love to sing, not because someone will praise an aspect of your singing. Should a person who loves the piano sit down to play and be disappointed because they cannot yet play a Rachmaninoff Prelude, or is that the point to play? Play and sing because doing so is good for you! The world needs more art, not more analysis of why it isn't yet art. Should yoga be confined to people who want to look good for a social media post? Should yoga only be for those who are looking to cure lower back pain, of course not. Music and yoga are for everyone, regardless of accomplishment. We are all accomplished. The practice of creating and breathing new consciousness and art into life is what matters. The results will assemble themselves because the action was pure. This is something I struggle with as much as anyone else. I like a vigorous yoga class and a high C. But does that mean a yoga class without pushing my body to its limits was useless? Does that mean a piece of music with no high C is artless? Those questions are rhetorical. Action is more important than result. Act because the world needs you to.


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