Remote Learning Day 1

Today is the first official day of remote learning in the NYC DOE. It is a mixture of excitement and anxiety that we are all feeling. Besides the normal concerns with online learning, I am worried that out of a building of 500 kids only 78 are on my Google Classroom. I know that compared to other situations that is a lot, but it leads me to worry. I often think about the kids. I often hope they are okay and not scared about all the changes around them. I find taking very long walks rejuvenating and centering.Yesterday I walked a little over 8 miles and burned about a thousand calories. It helped burn off all the stress and worry. It helped me get a good night sleep and keep myself grounded. A the park I saw all kinds of quotes in colorful chalk. Inspirational quotes. It was needed. I will post a few with blog each day. Yoga and long walks in nature are my way of not getting too stressed in these times. I miss my yoga students and teaching yoga in person, but I know that there is more at risk. It is my goal today to not only get work done for both my google classrooms, but to also wish a silent "namaste" to everyone I see or have contact with remotely. With the theme of No Challenge No Change, I can take a second to change the way I relate to others. The supermarkets were eerily populated yesterday. Aldi had lots of provisions on the shelves but not a lot of people shopping. Shop Rite had only 25 people at a time in the store. I am grateful for the protocols to keep us healthy. I thanked everyone who worked at both stores and will take the time to email corporate to express my gratitude. In these trying times I will rise to the challenge by making tiny shifts in myself to be a better version of myself. Today, I promise myself to breathe deeper, go slower, and wish a silent "namaste" to everyone I have contact with. I will post reflections this evening. 


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