
During this pandemic I have come to appreciate the human power for adaptability. None of this seems or feels normal, yet here I am learning how to exist and subsist. Of course I want a haircut and to see friends and have fun like everyone else. Yet, I seem to be adapting to this other path. I have more time to myself and my own endeavors. I am starting to see an adaptable way into a new path. At first I was going through my days with the mindset: Well tomorrow is one day closer to "normal". As if everything is going to reset like a rubber band back to February 2020. Should it? Why was February 2020 so amazing and the new path so horrible? New isn't horrible, its just new. Yes there are lot of uncomfortable events on the horizon. We are bound to see an increase in death of people we knew. We are bound to see a lot of small businesses close. But, none of this is because of laziness on anyone's part. No one could have prevented this pandemic completely from happening, so now we have to adapt. Adapting is difficult, no doubt. I am adapting everyday. I am a social being by nature. I love conversation and interaction. Lester, my cat, is over me completely. I miss my students at school and at the studio. I miss seeing the fruits of my labors and planning implemented in my students learning. Yet, I am adapting. I am teaching online and deepening my own physical practices to be more present for my students. I am lacking on inspiration, to be sure, but I am in a shifting phase. When this finishes shifting, I will have to adapt. I will be uncomfortable but it will eventually work out. I don't know how it will work out, but I don't have to know that. I just have to know I can adapt. My part is adapting and accepting. By no means am I saying this will be easy, but it can be done.


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