New life

Easter and Passover are signals of renewal. Spring is here andflowers and trees are beginning to bloom. The signals of summer and returning life are here. What life can we restore to ourselves? I have always had a desire to be better at visual arts. I have always wanted to be better at painting and drawing. I took a painting class at a local art museum but the teacher was a bit wacky and I didn't get much out of it. I will return to that goal this Spring. I am always pushing for my school to hire a full time art teacher. I do believe that a dynamic art teacher can help change a young students educational future. The students at my school deserve to have that part of the learning gap closed just as I am closing the music gap. The right side of the brain thrives in art and music. Even if all that comes of the endeavor is that I know I tried, that is what matters. Hopefully I will discover that I have some ability with painting and drawing. Things that matter take time. I will renew my desire to achieve that goal. The world needs more art and beauty right now, and peoples souls need to make art and feel expressed. I know I crave to achieve this goal because I am always enamored and jealous of people who sit down and create a painting for their homes or for a friend. I take all the pictures I post on this blog myself with my phone, but its only a sign that I can do more. I know I can do a lot already, but why not try to uncover yet another ability? No matter which modality the art flows through, it is important to have that flow. Creativity comes in all variations and we have to be open to allow it to flow in any channel it chooses. Art. music, dance, and theater are central to our existence. Why not enter into a new channel of expression and feel "heard" and "seen"? Restoring new life to old goald forgotten: Spring.


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