Radically Happy

As part of the google classroom for my yoga studio,Vicari Hot Yoga, we are doing a book club. The first selection is Radically Happy by Phakchok Rinpoche and Erric Solomon. I highly recommend this book. I have read it before, but I didn't really grasp what I was reading. This time around the content is hitting me in a much deeper place. One of the realizations is: we aren't very good at predicting what will make us happy. This is such a profound statement. Of course the first time I read it, I immediately agreed and thought "oh of course". The content only permeated the shallowest level of my consciousness. Now that every emotion is highlighted and my consciousness feels like its under constant attack, this realization is setting off many new neural pathways in my brain. I could list all the boyfriends and lovers who I thought were the "answer" and they turned out to be just distractions. I could mention the shifting of schools that I teach in, but again it would just be a temporary fix to the issue of lasting happiness. If we can be truly at home with the idea that we don't know what will make us happy, but we can be open and present to new stimuli that might make us happy, we can find contentment. As soon as we are open and available to whatever might come our way, in every pathway, we may find happiness in places we never expected it. For today, in my physical practices, I will be pursuing what it is I think we really make me happy and then remembering I am not an accurate gauge of what brings true happiness into my life. I am not a good predictor. What I can be is a good receiver and listener. Then I can be present for what each moment has to offer me.


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