Where is center?

In these draining and trying times I keep asking myself: where is center? Some moments of the day I am enjoying the sun only to remember we are in the midst of a health crisis that claimed 1300 lives yesterday alone. I find myself cooking, cleaning, practicing yoga, returning to Pilates, enjoying walks, and focusing on my cat. Then to find myself returning to the same question: where is center? Do we ever go back to the center I thought I had? Do I want to? I have learned to enjoy more time home, does that mean I have a new center? I feel tossed around like the spin cycle on the washing machine. My physical practices definitely help burn off the anxiety and stress and help me find a calmer place, but that is still not center. Everything is still off. Classical music helps me remember simpler times when practice and rehearsals were of utmost importance; now its masks, gloves, washing hands, and vitamins. The impermanence of life seems on display. If there are to be massive budget cuts to help deal with the fallout of this crisis, where does that leave all of us? Learning to live in the unknown, in the gray area is very difficult. I like concrete. I like middle C to be middle C. I like left and right. This whole experience is helping me see that I need a center that is devoid of left/right or middle C, but that is simply content to be here vacuuming. To take care of myself and the things around me and sort the rest out when it is absolutely necessary.


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